Elementary Program

Suitable for ages 6-12 years

Course fees starting from


The Elementary Program

Dr. Montessori designed a holistic curriculum to meet the developmental needs of the elementary child.

By repeating concepts in fresh and varied ways, children have the opportunity to work towards mastery, as well as the freedom to work at their own pace. The Montessori method uses storytelling, short presentations with materials, charts, timelines, demonstrations and experiments, as well as discussion to introduce the work and inspire the children. In Montessori, all the subjects begin with the whole, then focus in on the parts and lastly, return back to the whole, as the context gives meaning to the parts.


Our Core Objectives

Every child is an individual, captivated by different things at different times. We personalize your child’s learning experience by creating individualized lesson plans based on their interests, level of understanding and experiences. In this manner, every child is introduced to all aspects of our curriculum at the right time in their development.

Children who graduate our program will be prepared for the next step in their education, private or public, with a genuine love of learning. They will have an increased curiosity about the world around them and the confidence necessary to take on new academic and social challenges.

From our first visit to the school, we were taken by the warm and inspiring environment. The experience we’ve had for the last 3 years is one that we can’t recommend highly enough. The teachers are not only passionate about Montessori learning in their classroom but also connected with the parents to bridge that gap in the home environment

Laura Jane & Nick

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